Family Feud Survey Questions

I’ve watched A LOT of Family Feud. I’m talking 10-20 episodes a week. I wish I could work for Family Feud. See tweet below: 

Given the above Tweet, below is a list of questions for Family Feud. Note, although I’ve seen many episodes of Family Feud, there could be some questions they have already asked. That’s why I wrote fifty. If anyone from Family Feud finds this and sees any use for these questions, contact me. This is not a drill.

Questions for Family Feud: 

  1. Name something you would rather do alone than with another person.
  2. How many calories do you eat a day?
  3. How many days per week do you work out?
  4. How many cups of coffee do you drink every day?
  5. What country has the smartest people?
  6. Besides Family Feud, what’s your favorite game show?
  7. What’s the easiest drink for a bartender to make?
  8. What animal makes the cutest pet?
  9. What country has the best food?
  10. What is your dream car? 
  11. Name a President that deserved a third term. 
  12. What was the most exciting event in America’s history?
  13. What is a dog’s favorite food?
  14. Name something that’s appropriate for men and women. 
  15. Name something a man lies about to get a first date. 
  16. What body part you would least like to have removed. 
  17. Name a game that is okay for adults to play but would be inappropriate for a child to play. 
  18. What gets easier the more you do it?
  19. What gets harder the more you do it?
  20. What superhero do you wish you could be?
  21. What do you eat after a stressful day at work? 
  22. What is the first thing you do after leaving work? 
  23. What is the first thing you plan to do after retiring? 
  24. What makes up a balanced breakfast?
  25. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do all day? OR If you didn’t have to work, what would you do to keep yourself busy throughout the day?
  26. What is the most difficult college major? 
  27. Name a common book for children. 
  28. Name a fruit you would put in a smoothie.
  29. How long can you spend on a beach before getting a sunburn?
  30. Name a mythical animal.
  31. Name a famous movie featuring aliens. 
  32. What state has the nicest beach?
  33. Name a wild animal that you might find rummaging through your garbage.
  34. Name a tool that should be in every toolbox. 
  35. What is something you could do to make a boring party more fun?
  36. What celebrity would you vote for if he or she ran for President?
  37. Name something you wish you could order to your house.
  38. Name your dog’s favorite game. 
  39. Name an animal you can ride.
  40. Name something that would stress out a bride if it didn’t show up for her wedding. 
  41. If you could add one President to Mount Rushmore, who would it be?
  42. What Sesame Street character can you most relate to?
  43. How do you like your eggs?
  44. Name something people who are afraid of flying do before boarding their flight.
  45. What body part would hurt the most to get pierced?
  46. What time do you usually wake up on the weekend?
  47. How much does a baby weigh when it’s born?
  48. What is the most American food you can eat? 
  49. Name something kids should not play with
  50. If you were to get a tattoo, where on your body would you get it? 

Netflix Should Lobby Age Minimums for Movie Theaters

I want Netflix to lobby age minimums at movie theaters. 

Why? Because I want to watch amazing PG movies without having to hear a baby cry throughout the movie. 

You might be saying, “But these movies are FOR kids.” No they’re not. These are some of the results when you Google, "best PG movies of all time”:

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
  • The Goonies
  • Rocky
  • The Nightmare Before christmas
  • The Karate Kid
  • Star Wars
  • ET

They’re rated PG because they don’t have bad language, violence, substance abuse, nudity or sexual content. But let’s be real. What young kid understands the depth of Star Wars? They have to watch it again as adults. And even then, people are confused.

And even if these PG movies were for kids, which many are, they aren’t for kids under the age of three or four. 

I recently watched The Jungle Book with my girlfriend (pretty good movie by the way). It’s obviously a kid’s movie. Around me, there were many kids, most of which were between five and ten years old. Those kids clearly enjoyed the movie - they laughed at the funny parts and jumped at the scary parts. Those kids also clearly understood that you are not supposed to disturb anyone around you in the movie.  

But there was one child behind me that was under three years old. This child will henceforth be referred to as “baby." There is no way he or she cared about The Jungle Book and there is no way this baby will remember this movie. And I know this to be true. Why? Because the baby CRIED throughout the movie. The baby was clearly uncomfortable and his or her parents didn’t take this baby out of the theater to take care of the issue. It was a problem for everyone trying to enjoy their experience. 

I want to clarify: I am not a parent. So I can’t empathize with this situation from the parents' side. However, I was a member of an upset audience. Trust me, I wasn’t the only one upset. I observed the audience to see if I was the only one having the problem. People were looking in the direction of the baby and clearly getting irritated. This is why I want Netflix to lobby the government to institute age minimums at the movies. 

You might think: this would be a battle between Netflix and theaters. However, I see benefits for both parties. 

First, let’s think about Netflix. Parents still want to watch movies. Parents still want to make sure their babies are safe while watching the movie. They will watch movies on Netflix. They will especially watch movies on Netflix that are family friendly. Which leads to my next point: Netflix can offer studios a straight to Netflix model for those adults who want to watch movies with their babies. In a quest for content, this would be a step in the right direction. 

Now let’s think about movie theaters. Without crying babies, the experience is improved. In today’s experience economy, any improvement in experience will get butts in seats. Parents with slightly older children will perceive the experience more positively and will be more willing to bring their family. Young adults who watch and love these movies (Google: delayed adulthood) will go to the theater to enjoy the improved experience. Finally, once a child does grow past the age of three or four, parents will feel more comfortable and happy taking their kids to the theater. 

Of course, all of this hinges on a cost-benefit analysis. This NYT article tells me a lobbyist can cost 10-20k a month for a minimum of three months. So if it costs $60k, the breakeven user base is 6,007 users paying $9.99. I think it’s worth it. 

I also want to point out, this is probably not a huge deal. This was just something that chapped my ass during the movie and all I want is a solution. 

Sprinkling a little authenticity

A smart friend and former roommate at UVA named Jasdev Singh wrote a blog post about the "real Jasdev." In it, he found the following tweet that inspired him to shed a bit of light on who he actually is: 

This person is right. People on Twitter use the social site to project a vision of themselves that they hope people perceive well. That is especially true for people who work in, or want to work in advertising. People like me. We project our personal brands EVERYWHERE and we sometimes forget that what's more important than that vision is the real person behind the keyboard. 

On that note, here are some facts about the real me:

My name is Nitin George Dua (I won't tell you here why my middle name is George. You have to ask to know that answer). I'm an outgoing introvert; introversion and extroversion ARE NOT black and white. I won the Silverbrook Elementary School spelling bee in the fifth grade and came in second place in sixth grade; in the sixth grade I lost to the person I beat the year before. (I lost by slipping on the word 'accuracy'; judges thought I said 's' instead of c. Yes, I'm still salty.)  I like to build Lego sets as a form of stress relief and relaxation. I'm making an effort to get much healthier, but my love for candy and craft beer - at very different times of the week - is making progress slow. My daily complaint is that I don't have a dog. 

I want to try to keep this chain going. Now that you know about me, and maybe even Jasdev, tell me about who you are. Jasdev inspired me, and hopefully we both have inspired you to "sprinkle a bit more authenticity into this world."1


My Brain Lies at the Intersection of Creativity and Analysis

I recently started an Internship with an awesome software company called Lumiary. One of my responsibilities is to write blog posts for the company's website. While doing research for one of the posts, I stumbled upon an article that resonated with me personally. The title of the article is, "10 Things Creative People and Data-Driven People Have in Common." 

In the article, they show the following venn diagram: 

This is not only a venn diagram, but it's also my brain. 

If you've had a chance to look at my resume, you'll know I worked as a financial and accounting analyst at a financial software company before starting my career in advertising at the Brandcenter. Working in finance, and previously majoring in finance, made me use the part of my brain that makes me analytical. For example, at Primatics Financial I analyzed data in Excel documents that reached the last row of Excel (Yes, there is a last row, it is row number 1,048,576). But now that I practice advertising, I'm constantly working on creative solutions to brand problems. For example, I recently helped find the future strategy of Progresso. And sometimes, I get to mix both. Like when I was at Zeus Jones, I created an Excel platform to quantify and analyze supply and demand of web content, which helped create use always-on content for a global CPG brand. 

What does this mean for my future? Well, right now it means I have a direction to take my career that gets me excited for life after school. I plan to solve business problems with these combined strengths to provide brands' visions for years to come.