A smart friend and former roommate at UVA named Jasdev Singh wrote a blog post about the "real Jasdev." In it, he found the following tweet that inspired him to shed a bit of light on who he actually is:
twitter dot com, where people think they're brands and brands think they're people
— Tess Rinearson (@_tessr) August 26, 2015
This person is right. People on Twitter use the social site to project a vision of themselves that they hope people perceive well. That is especially true for people who work in, or want to work in advertising. People like me. We project our personal brands EVERYWHERE and we sometimes forget that what's more important than that vision is the real person behind the keyboard.
On that note, here are some facts about the real me:
My name is Nitin George Dua (I won't tell you here why my middle name is George. You have to ask to know that answer). I'm an outgoing introvert; introversion and extroversion ARE NOT black and white. I won the Silverbrook Elementary School spelling bee in the fifth grade and came in second place in sixth grade; in the sixth grade I lost to the person I beat the year before. (I lost by slipping on the word 'accuracy'; judges thought I said 's' instead of c. Yes, I'm still salty.) I like to build Lego sets as a form of stress relief and relaxation. I'm making an effort to get much healthier, but my love for candy and craft beer - at very different times of the week - is making progress slow. My daily complaint is that I don't have a dog.